Arlene Borthwick

Arlene BorthwickArlene C. Borthwick is Professor Emerita and former Associate Dean and Professor at the National College of Education, National Louis University in Chicago. She has served as chair of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education's Commitee on Innovation and Technology and member of the ISTE Board of Directors. She was president of ISTE's Special Interest Group for Teacher Educators from 2006-2008 and co-led an ISTE sponsored study tour to New Zealand in 2010. She was nominated by ISTE to serve on the NCATE Board of Examiners (2008-2016) and subsequently served as a Site Visitor for the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Her areas of research have included school-university partnerships, design of online teaching, multimedia authoring and coding, and college level leadership for integration of technology in teacher preparation programs. She served as an officer in AERA's Action Research SIG and was a founding editor of an online journal on practitioner research, i.e.: inquiry in education. She co-edited an ISTE book, Transforming Classroom Practice: Professional Development Strategies in Educational Technology, and has served as a reviewer for the Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education and the Journal of Educational Computing Research. She received the ISTE "Making IT Happen" award in 2008. Read More Read Less

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