Austin J Record

Austin J RecordAustin James Record was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah. He grew up with an enthusiastic interest in art, photography, music, LEGO(R), bonsai, and video games. Throughout the years his family has had many animals but he prefers caring for cat.He studied graphic design at Salt Lake Community College and completed his bachelor's degree at the University of Utah. His creative passion started at a very young age that was cultivated by supportive family members.Austin has become a skilled graphic designer through the experience of working on projects for various output mediums. His perspective of each project transforms the details into pieces of a puzzle to achieve the desired outcome. His favorite types of projects involve the complexity of signage, large format printing, and anything involved with establishing and optimizing a brand.At this time, Austin lives with his partner, their Jack Russell Terrier, and their four cats. Together they manage vacation rental properties and vehicles. Read More Read Less

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