Harvey E Belkin

Harvey E BelkinHarvey E. Belkin is currently a Research Geologist Emeritus for the U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia, USA. After a career of more than 45 years, the position of Emeritus allows continued research. After majoring in geology and geochemistry atFranklin and Marshall College and George Washington University, he joined the Branch of Experimental Mineralogy and Geochemistry, USGS. During the early part of his career, he applied the study of aqueous and silicate-melt inclusions to address problems in a wide variety of earth environments, such as ore deposits, radioactive waste disposal, and volcanology. The latter part of this career involved human health issues related to domestic use of coal and other earth materials as well as continued research in different aspects of mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, and volcanology. The author or co-author of more than 150 peer-reviewed papers, more than 200 presentations, and editor or co-editor more than 20 books and abstract volumes, Harvey Belkin continues research in a wide variety of geologic problems, especially the petrology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of Italian volcanism. Read More Read Less

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