Imelda Maher

Imelda MaherImelda Maher is the Sutherland Professor of European Law, University College Dublin. She has published extensively in EU law and her books include Asian Capitalism and the Regulation of Competition: Towards a Regulatory Geography of Global Competitio Law (Cambridge, 2013, edited with M. Dowdle and J. Gillespie). She was general editor of Legal Studies (2012-17) and is a member of the editorial boards of the European Law Journal and of the Irish Yearbook of International Law. She is a member of the Royal Irish Academy and served as President of the Society of Legal Scholars in 2017. Read More Read Less

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Asian Capitalism and the Regulation of Competition59 %
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The Evolution of the European Courts: Institutional Change and Continuity / L'evolution des Juridictions Europeennes: Changements et ContinuiteNR
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