Shontel Harris

Shontel HarrisI am a full-time stay at home mother of four daughters ages 6 and under, and this book is dedicated to my girls. I decided to take a huge leap of faith, quit my stressful career, and pursue my dream of writing children's books. I am fulfilling God's isson for me and I am leaving a spiritual legacy for my daughters. Positive affirmations have saved my life after suffering from severe Postpartum Depression and Anxiety. I am determined to continue living, and making a difference in the world. My aim is to share the power of positive affirmations with young readers around the world, empowering them with this tool at an early age. Throughout my childhood and youth, I experienced a sense of inadequacy and worthlessness. I was constantly striving to please others. I was unaware of my true identity. My goal is to instill into as many young children as possible the belief that they are worthy of love, and that self love should be cultivated early on in life rather than being a lifelong struggle. I'm my daughters' first example of what it's like to be a woman. I'm working hard to become more than just a mom, but a woman they can be proud of. I'm determined to be the woman my daughters will be proud to look up to, and model after. Let's strengthen our children's self-love with affirmations one at a time while silencing that inner nagging voice of negativity! Read More Read Less

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I Promise to Love Myself25 % NR
Publisher: Shontel
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28 Aug 2023
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